The Power of Purposeful Conversations

Coaching is a collaborative partnership between a coach and a willing individual, connecting at the personal level of beliefs, values and vision. It facilitates the realization of extraordinary results, through a process of discovery, goal setting and specific action.

I will help develop your capacity through purposeful conversations, strategic thinking, and thoughtful questions that are imbued with curiosity and kindness.

What are Potential Areas for Coaching?

Intentional listening and communication are the keys to being an effective leader and professional in any work setting. Working with a coach will lead to insights and openings for action: what do you need to do and say to be your best? Engaging in this process can help you to become a better communicator.

Maintaining relationships

The relationship of the people in the organization is the human glue that holds it together and helps it to operate at maximum capacity. A coach helps you get to really know your people, their needs and what motivates them.

Enhancing emotional intelligence:

The best managers score high in emotional intelligence. You will be better able to handle situations with compassion through self-awareness and self-discipline.

Offering and receiving feedback:

Feedback about behaviours and blind spots enables us to create development plans that increase performance sometimes through behavior modifications.

Are you at a cross-roads? Do you want to shift into something new or re-examine the path you are on? Having a neutral sounding board can help you identify what you want the future to hold and design the steps you will take to make it happen.

Stretching and taking risks: Sometimes we begin to feel at a stand still in a role and a mental or tactical shift is required. You will push yourself outside of your comfort zone with the support of a great coach.

Designing strategy:  Creating and implementing personal or corporate vision, mission, purpose and core values.

Finding harmony and balance: Is it time to re-examine goals and values from a holistic approach? Being a CEO, president, manager, teacher is not who you are in life, it is only one aspect of a full life of friends and family and interests. How do we keep harmony in all of these areas?

Identifying your purpose:  A passion may be the thing we love to do, our purpose is our unique gift which we make available to the world. What is the legacy you want to leave behind?